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Podcast 191: Emily Capodilupo Answers Questions on the Best Recovery Techniques, WFH, and More

September 28, 2022

Emily Capodilupo, SVP of Data Science & Research, joins this week's podcast for another foray into the inbox answering listener questions on everything from the best recovery hacks, to working from home, to navigating training and amenorrhea

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This week, we’re back in the inbox, with Emily Capodilupo, our SVP of Data Science & Research, taking on questions from our loyal listeners. Emily tackles everything from the best ways to improve recovery based on member data, how WFH affects your sleep, what it means to miss your period, and what skin temperature is all about.

Want to see your questions answered? Email us – – or you can call our listener line (508-443-4952) and leave a voicemail, and your question might be answered on a future episode just like this one.


1:51 – A breakdown of menstrual cycles and what that means for your training

4:02 – What missing your period is actually signaling 

10:44 – Training on biweekly cycles

12:57 – How working from home can affect your sleep — and what changed during the pandemic 

17:30 – The difference between skin temperature and basal body temperature

21:29 – The top 5 ways to improve your recovery based on member data 

Additional Resources:

Training and Sleeping Based on Your Menstrual Cycle

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