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WHOOP Introduces Our New Fitness Tracker App Feature

November 7, 2017

As we strive to enhance the WHOOP user experience, we’re continually building new features to add to the system. Last month, we released Activity Auto-Detection, which can automatically log your workouts for you in the WHOOP app. Today, we’re proud to announce another new feature available in the app: Advanced Weekly Trends.

In addition to being able to view and compare week-long trends for your Strain, Sleep, and Recovery, you can now take a more in-depth look at trends for each of the following: Daily average heart rate, resting heart rate (RHR), heart rate variability (HRV), calories burned, time in bed, and time asleep vs. Sleep Need.

Here’s how it works:

For the time being, this feature is available for iOS only. However, Android users (and iOS users as well) have full access to all of these trends (and more!) on the web version of our app–simply visit and log in to your account.


What are the Benefits?

The overview trend that plots daily Strain and Recovery is a simple indicator of your ability to optimize training for the week. For example, in the screenshot below the user missed an opportunity to train hard and take advantage of a high Recovery on Monday, but then did an outstanding job balancing Strain and Recovery for the rest of the week:

If your intention is to functionally overreach with your training for a period of time (with multiple high-Strain days and likely low Recoveries), or possibly taper (reducing Strain to boost Recoveries) before a big race or competition, this trend view lets you easily see how you’re doing.

The weekly HRV trend is a useful tool to put your daily HRV in perspective. Low HRV on any given day is not necessarily a cause for concern, it’s normal for it to fluctuate. However, a downward trend over several days may be an indication that your body needs to rest:

In addition to the trend views, the accompanying recommendations offer additional insight and can help you better interpret the data. Below is a user’s RHR trend for one week. It may not appear to be headed in the right direction, but the text at the top of the screen points out a decrease in average RHR, a sign that overall fitness is improving:

We anticipate users will find great value in their weekly trends when looking at their Sleep consistency. A recent Harvard University study discovered that students who followed a regular sleep schedule performed better academically than those who did not. Getting enough sleep is obviously very important, but so is getting the right sleep. Viewing your time in bed each day is a great way to help develop consistent Sleep patterns throughout the week:

This trend view can also enable you to modify your behavior to improve your Sleep overall. In the example above, the user could look back at what they did on Wednesday and determine what to do differently in the future in oder to to get to bed at the regular time.

These are just a few of the many ways our athletes can use weekly trends to their advantage. The more biometric data you have available at your fingertips, the better you can unlock the secrets your body is trying to tell you.


RELATED: Improving Heart Rate Accuracy: Your WHOOP is Getting Smarter!


Make sure to check out @whoop on InstagramTwitter and Facebook.


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